Camp Ausome
Fri, Jun 28
|Affton Community Center
Camp Ausome is a day camp for children with autism ages 6-11.

Time & Location
Jun 28, 2024, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Affton Community Center, 9801 MacKenzie Rd, Affton, MO 63123, USA
About the Event
Camp Ausome is a day camp for children with autism. Summer camp should be fun for everyone! Camp Ausome is a 5 day camp designed for children with autism to enjoy camp designed specifically with their needs in mind. There will be sports, activities, games and crafts for children of all abilities.
The camp is accepting 12 children ages 6 to 11. Campers will need to bring their own lunch everyday and dress for active play. Physicals are required since there will be a lot of physical activity. Safety will be a main priority for all. This camp will be a great opportunity for our friends with autism to enjoy camp! Register today!
Location: Affton Community Center
Monday through Friday
Dates: June 24-28
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
There will be no before or after care.
Cost: $175
Ages: 6-11
Maximum: 12
Obstacle course
Scavenger hunt - nature bugs, plants
Balloon volleyball or tennis with fly swatter
Ring toss
Mini golf
Laundry basket speedball
Freeze tag
Red light green light
Simon Says
Musical chairs
Safari hunt
Participant Release